I turn 30 tomorrow! Birthdays that fall on a weekend are the best kind, don't ya think? To celebrate this momentous day, I'm giving away three of my very favorite things. One is to use in the kitchen and the other two are apart of my daily beauty regiment. Take a look:
1. This vanilla will take your baking to whole new levels. The flavor is unmatched.

3. Those who use this lip balm already know of its greatness. It has a silky texture and it's made with good ingredients that aren't harmful. I also love that it gives your lips a nice natural sheen.
To enter all you have to do is leave a comment telling me one of your favorite things (anything!). I'll pick a winner next Wednesday, May 4 at 8 AM, so make sure you get your comment in before then. The winner will receive all three of my favorite things. Good luck and I wish you all could win! :)
P.S. Nielsen-Massey, Dior and Kiehl's don't know who I am.
Favorite things:
Surprises from my husband
kids that play well together :)
Top 3 Favorite things
Being a mommy
Dr. Pepper
Cafe Rio
Happy Birthday! Do you FEEL 30? I sure do!
My fave: Sunny Days! oh, and Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry Touch Sunblock with a super high SPF
Happy b-day Bri! You can't be 30 already?!?!?!
Here are some of my Favorites:
*Websites: talkchowplayhouse.com, shoes.com, Goodreads.com, & myfitnesspal.com
*Date nights with Brent
*Hugging & squeezing my kids (my teenage sons don't really appreciate the bum squeezes--imagine that!)
Happy Birthday!!!
Some of my favorite things are:
Going on vacations with the hubby.
Lemonade without pulp.
Ikea cinnamon rolls.
Happy Birthday and what a fun giveaway!
3 of my favorite things are:
my family
I can't think of any of my favorite things because I'm still trying to figure out how it's possible that you are going to be 30. I still remember baking a peach pie for your family when you were born and seeing you in your crib & your little baby casts. You're freaking me out, Lady!
Okay, favorite things:
people in a good mood
a well stocked thrift store
pancakes w/ strawberries & whipped cream
Love you, Bri! Have a wonderful birthday. The 30s are awesome.
My favorite things are.... eye makeup remover, ben and jerrys magic brownies, and clean sheets on a bed!
Happy Birthday to you! Thanks for the fun giveaway!
Happy Birthday!
Favorite Things:
Diet Coke
Balance Essential Oils
Happy Kids
(Not necessarily in that order :))
bumble and bumble hair products, bare minerals foundation and my kindle! happy bday!
Happy Birthday from Florida!!! I love your disclaimer at the bottom of your post:) On that note: I love funny people, searching for treasures at thrifts and garage sales, and curling up in bed with a good book!
Essie nail polish (the have such a good selection of colors), moleskine notebooks and exploring new places.
Happy 30th! I recently turned 30 also...this is a great giveaway! My favorite things are, my family, diet pepsi, sunshine, ribbon, and old pictures.
Who are you OPRAH or something? So fun you're turning 30. You shouldn't be the one giving something away.
My favorite things are: Chocolate, CArlyle and the family!
Happy Birthday!!!
3 Faves...
Money for Disneyland
and Clorox wipes.
Can you believe we're 30?!!! Yikes! Where did the time go? Hope you have a wonderful B-day! Came on the site today to look for something yummy to take to a potluck tonight!
All of your things are always my favorite. I still use lamcome perfume you introduced me to 10 years ago!
Have a great weekend!
Those all look amazing! My favorite things: cheese, washington, dc, the sunshine :)
Happy Birthday Beautiful Bri :)
Sunshine, where oh where art thou...
A Granddaughter!!!
Sunday Dinner with the Fam.
Happy Birthday, I absolutely love your blog! My all time favorite thing would have to be using my husbands chest as a pillow! He's not a big cuddlier so when he lets me lay my head on his chest it wonderful and his t-shirts are always so soft.
a few of my favorites things are getting yummy recipes from your blog, my husband raving about those recipes, and hearing my sweet baby laugh!
Burts bees lipbalm!!!!
Happy Birthday again! You are always such a thoughtful person! My favorite things are family, friends and food!
3 of my favorites:
Burt's Bees Baby Wash
Kefir Grains
happy birthday briana!
a favorite... audible.com
...You mean Neilson-Massey, Dior and Kiehl's don't know you YET...after this I'm sure they will make you their spokes-model!!!
Some of my favorite things are:
B. Makowsky purses, my AR-15, Kenneth Cole wedge heels, big hoop earrings, putting drug dealers and gangsters in jail, Bare Escentials make-up, my baby Glock and ankle holster, wearing skirts all summer and FORTUNE COOKIES!!!
Love ya Bri!!! Hope your B-day was great!!!
My favorite drink is Diet Coke with Lime:) (from Sonic)
Mac Bronzer!
This is tough! One of my favorite things getting into clean sheets to snuggle up with the hubby before we fall asleep :-)
So romantic I know, haha!
Aiyara Thai Cuisine in AF
*Tru*'s list of favorite things
My nephew Ty's cute little smile
Reading a book on a blanket on the grass
Elijah Kerr
A good hearty belly laugh
Laying in bed talking with Lance
Baby showers
Design blogs
Romantic movies (but NOT romantic comedies - they're my least favorite)
Grosgrain ribbon
Board games
Humble people
The smell of laundry
Ethnic foods
Huge tvs
Glen Hansard, or really any musician who means it when they sing
Floating on my back in the water
Staying up late
Ping pong
Writing in cursive
Ferris wheels
Snowboarding on an empty hill
Free hot dogs at RC Willey
Professional massages
Answering questions
Finding treasures at thrift stores
Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Just kidding
Hot chocolate
Building huts
Talking about parenting
People watching
Digital shorts on SNL
Movies that have to do with witness protection or amnesia
Plato's Closet
Belting out songs in the car
Chaise lounge chairs by the pool
Underground rivers
Symphony with almonds and toffee chips
My travel neck pillow
Things that cost a buck
White chocolate ice cream with brownie chunks/caramel
We still need to go out and celebrate your birthday. My favorite things are Vivian and Michael of course.
I know you only asked for one, but...
I cannot live without 'Silk Therapy' by Biosilk.
I also cannot life without 'Turquatic' frangrance my M.A.C. (although it looks like I'm going to have to since they just discontinued it... ACK!)
The last thing? OREOS! Seriously, they are divine.
Oh! and OPI nail polish! how did I forget that?
Happy Birthday!
Love your blog..if I just have time to read a few blogs a day, yours is definitely one of them.
In honor of your birthday, I will take the time to become an official follower.
You do a great job and will never regret all of your hard work!
Favorite things: gap ballet shoes; diet mountain dew; yoga pants
Happy Happy Birthday Bri!
Sour candies
Toast with Avocado
Riding my Madsen bucket bike with my boys
Brianna!! Happy birthday, cuz. I miss you. I love this blog. Thanks for keeping my dinners fresh and new. You and Kara rock!!! Love you!
Anything w/cinnamon strusely goodness on it, cafe rio and ice cream!
happy birthday bri!
my most favorite thing is my (not so) little family!
hope you have a great birthday!
thanks to you and kar for the fabulous blog! i love it!
Happy Birthday, Breezy!
My favorite things are:
1. Diet Coke
2. Pretty earrings
3. Ipod Shuffle
Happy Birthday, love! Ooo, all three of your things look lovely!
Happy Birthday Briana!
my favorite things...
a good nights sleep
food processor
Thai Drift
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