Two sisters cooking and creating...and neglecting laundry. Welcome to our slice of the internet!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Summer's been calling...

...and we've answered the call every single time. Swimming, bike rides, sno-cones, late nights, sleepovers- you name it. Then we hit repeat and do it all over again. So now you know why I haven't been around here all that much. Hopefully you all are out enjoying Summer too!
The Fourth is tomorrow and it's one of my very favorites. It's tied with Christmas. I love all the festivities, family time, and the patriotism. In church on Sunday, a woman shared that we live on the backs of those who have lived before us. Truer words could not have been spoken in that moment. Her sweet words made me tear up and an overwhelming feeling of gratitude and love washed over me for the great people who have lived before me- soldiers who have given their lives and our founding fathers who were truly great men and inspired by God. To all the men and women who serve in our military today- thank you for your service. We love you and pray for you.  
I hope you all have a wonderful Fourth! xoxo, Bri 

image by Briana of my porch


Kar said...

Love your flags! So cute Bri!

Briana said...

Thanks, Kara! Love you.