Since the big "LOVE" day is tomorrow, I thought I'd show you an incredibly simple dessert that will make your sweetie swoon! Remember the Vanilla Bean Panna Cotta recipe?? Well, I decided to modify it to make a chocolate version and holy smokes!!!! It tastes incredible! The first bite I took was like chilled, creamy hot chocolate heaven! Thus the name! My Mom said, since it does have a hot chocolate flavor, that I should serve it with a dollop of marshmallow creme! Well Mom, you are a genius!! It adds the perfect touch!
What you'll need:3 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon gelatin
4 cups heavy cream
2/3 cup granulated sugar
1/3-1/2 cup cocoa powder (depending on how intense you want the flavor)
In a small bowl measure the 3 T water and sprinkle the 1 T gelatin in the water. Allow it to bloom for 10 minutes.
In a medium saucepan, over medium heat, heat the cream, sugar and cocoa powder. Stirring frequently to dissolve the cocoa. Once the cream mixture is nice and hot remove from heat and add the bloomed gelatin. Stir to let the bloomed gelatin dissolve completely. Pour into whatever size cups you would like. I did mine 1/2 cup servings which yielded a little over 8 servings. Cover each cup with foil and into the fridge for at least 3 hours. Once they have chilled completely, you can either eat them straight from the cup or run the sides and bottom of each cup under hot water(making sure no water gets in the cup;) to loosen the panna cotta. Then turn out onto plates, dust with cocoa powder and a dollop of marshmallow creme and you are good to go!
Now for the appliqued hearts!:)
A few weeks ago I ordered the most soft and buttery organic cotton onesies and today I decided to get brave, pull out my scrap fabric and the Heat-n-Bond and have a party! Well, a party for 1 that is! I used Heat-n-Bond Lite(sewable in the purple package) and followed the directions precisely on the back of the package. Once I had my desired fabric heart shapes ironed on the onesies, I just used my straight stitch and outlined all the way around the heart. It was a little rough at first but I got the hang of it after using my seam ripper more times than I want to count.:) I call this the "Heart Over Heart" onesie.

I know the pictures of Q are excessive but I couldn't help myself! She had just gotten up from her nap and was full of personality!
images by Kara
Q is so cute! The onesie is so sweet and the hot chocolate panna cotta is such a creative idea and I love that you topped it w/ the marshmallow cream.
Thanks Bri! Love you!!!
Darling onesie, but more importantly, haa-haa, that baby girl is delicious!!!!!
Thanks Kalani! I like her ALOT!:)
That hot chocolate panna cotta looks delicious! And that little Quinn is precious. Really cute idea with the onesie! (what a fun idea!) Love you!
Kjirst! The hot chocolate panna cotta is so quick to make and so good! Definitely worth trying! Thank you and love you!!
I can't believe how easy that panna cotta is! And I love that the ingredients are ones I always have on hand. Lance will be impressed with my fanciness. Love the onesies!
Thanks Haley! You have to try the hot chocolate version! It is soooooo yummy!
So when I looked at the cup of hot chocolate panna cotta you gave me, I thought to myself....I'm probably gonna want more than that. BUT it is so filling! You don't need very much to satisfy the 'chocolate tooth'. So perfectly delicious and seems easy enough to make!
Looks so cute. Love all the pics you take of her!
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